Home cleaning

Home is a very personal and private place for every human. Because of this, each client has their own requirements and needs for home cleaning. We consider with the clients wishes and try to find the most fitting and trustworthy cleaning attendant, who can allow you to take more time to do the things you love.

Thorough cleaning

Thorough cleaning is usually done twice a year (in spring and autumn) or before an important event and a special occasion. Thorough cleaning requires special skills, persistence and an “eye” which sees these places that need attention.

Regular home cleaning

We appoint regular services either weekly or biweekly, according to the client’s request, sometimes even less frequently. This service is designed to keep your home clean constantly, so that you don’t have to waste time on this yourself. Home cleaning is based on trust, therefore it will always be performed by the same cleaning worker. Our goal is to be of support and to help save precious time.

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